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新闻来源:    点击数:4782    更新时间:2018-03-24    收藏此页
1 划分汇水区域,计算各区域的屋面面积 2 确定暴雨重现期,计算暴雨强度

Divide watersheds, and calculate roof areas of various watersheds
Determine return period of rainstorm, and calculate intensity of rainstorm
3 根据屋面面积,暴雨强度,计算雨水流量 4 布置雨水斗(按照荣成公司设计标准进行合理布置)

Calculate flow rate of rainwater in accordance with roof area and intensity of rainstorm
Arrange rainwater hoppers (in reasonable way according to design standards of Rongcheng Company)
5 管道的布置(按照设计院的走向或是按照经验布置) 6 绘制系统图

Lay out pipelines (in accordance with trend defined by design institute or experiences)
Draw system diagrams
7 方案审核确认 8 通过计算机专用软件进行管径校核

Examine and confirm program
Verify pipe diameters via dedicated computer software
9 系统完成

Complete system
总页数:1  第  1    页 
上一篇:虹吸系统组成   下一篇:虹吸系统的安装
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