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新闻来源:    点击数:4171    更新时间:2018-03-24    收藏此页




Since the siphonic system has its own multiple advantages and can solve problems that cannot be solved by many conventional gravity drainage methods, and moreover building design changes with every passing day and development of buildings is rapid at present, so features and advantages of siphon are more obvious.

As of now the siphonic system has been recognized by a large number of design institutes and actively popularized in projects of airports, railway stations, large supermarkets and shops, power plants, large plants/workshops, logistics centers and hotels, and the using effect of customers is very good, too.

However, the siphonic system is not applicable to residences with relatively smaller area and roof rainwater drainage with low height (below 5m), so siphon is not recommended.


总页数:1  第  1    页 
上一篇:虹吸系统的安装   下一篇:同层排水系统的组成
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