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新闻来源:    点击数:4289    更新时间:2018-03-24    收藏此页



The same floor drainage originates from Europe and has been comparatively mature in Europe, at present the same floor drainage system has been extensively applied and advanced same floor drainage systems have been employed for more than 70% buildings in Germany, Italy and the Netherlands, etc. Because of multiple merits, such drainage way is identified by design institutes in China, and the same floor drainage is spanning towards a new height.

The same floor drainage system is also called wall drainage, in which sewer pipes of all sanitary fixtures do not pass through floorslabs, rear drainage is adopted for toilets, and all sanitary fixtures are arranged in false walls or along walls and on the ground, and finally connected to vertical pipes of drainage.

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上一篇:虹吸系统应用范围   下一篇:同层排水的优点
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