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新闻来源:    点击数:4319    更新时间:2018-03-24    收藏此页


        中国是一个干旱缺水严重的国家。人均淡水资源仅为世界平均水平的1/4、在世界上名列110位,是全球人均水资源最贫乏的国家之一。人均可利用水资源量仅为 900立方米,并且分布极不均衡。20世纪末,全国600多座城市中有400多个城市存在供水不足问题,其中比较严重的缺水城市达110个,全国城市缺水 总量为60亿立方米, 因此我们要加强保护水资源意识,不要让最后一滴水成为我们的眼泪!雨水回收利用是目前较重要的解决措施。


72% of earth surface is covered by water, but freshwater resource only occupies 0.75% of all water resources. About 1.5 billion population in 80 countries and regions that occupy 40% of the total world’s population has insufficient freshwater, in which, about 300 million population in 26 countries have serious water shortage. Along with the increase of population and the rise of per capita income, the consumption of people for water resources also increases in a hundred million numbers.

China is a country with serious drought and water shortage. The per-capita freshwater resource is only 1/4 of the world average level and ranks the 110 in the world. China is one of the poorest country in global per capita water resources. The per capita available water resource is only 900m3 and is unevenly distributed. At the end of 1990s, there were over 400 cities have insufficient water supply problem among the more than 600 cities in the country, in which, the cities with serious water shortage reached 110. The total urban water shortage in the whole country was 6,000,000,000m3. Therefore, we shall strengthen water resource protection awareness and do not let our tear becomes the last drop of water. Rainwater recycling is a relatively important solving measure now.

Widely used in greening irrigation/toilet flushing/water for landscape pond/ car washing/water replenishing of cooling tower/industrial water consumption of residence communities, industrial plants and commercial buildings.

总页数:1  第  1    页 
上一篇:同层排水的优点   下一篇:雨水回收系统过程
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