利用屋面与排水出户管之间的高差所形成的水头,依靠专用的虹吸式雨水斗,实现气水分离,配合虹吸专用计算机软件对排水管不同位置的管道管径、压力、流速、流 量进行设计分配及控制,从而使管道中真正达到满管流状态,当管中的水量是压力流状态时,虹吸作用就产生了。在降雨过程中,由于连续不断的虹吸作用,整个系 统得以令人惊奇的速度排除屋顶上的雨水。
Realize air-water separation by means of waterhead formed by height difference between roof and outlet pipes of drainage and dependent on dedicated siphonic rainwater hoppers, perform design distribution and control of pipeline diameters, pressures, flow velocities and flow rates at different positions of drainage pipes in coordination with computer software dedicated for siphon so as to achieve the state of real full pipe flow in pipelines, when water in pipes is in the state of pressure flow, the siphon action is produced. During rainfall the whole system can drain rainwater on roof at amazing speed thanks to continuous siphon action.